About us

Random Power springs off a long standing experience in the development of Silicon Detectors for Sub-atomic particles, notably for experiments at CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics. Know-how and technology developed for blue sky research was turned into interdisciplinary and industrial applications, thanks to the support of a series of grants by the European Commission (EC), in an exciting loop. As a final step, with an act of pure serendipity, the principle at the base of Random Power emerged by a flash of ingenuity.


Random Power is a Spin Off company of University of Insubria Como, Italy and AGH University of Science of Technology Krakow, Poland.




The principle was tested in the lab, with high performance and costly equipment (2017). A prototype demonstrated the possibility to implement it using commercially available components (2018); thanks to a small grant by the EC within the ATTRACT phase 1 project, which identified Random Power as one of the 170 breakthrough projects over 1211 submissions, the single generator board was developed and qualified (2019-2020). During the pandemics, late in 2020, the core team applied to the business plan competition named “Start-cup Lombardia”, a regional initiative in Italy, ranking no.1 in ICT and gaining access to the national phase (Premio Nazionale dell’Innovazione), where the team was assigned two special prizes by venture capital firms.

One of them, LifTT, decided to trust us and invest, leading us to incorporation in June 2021.

In January 2022, with the approval of the Phase II ATTRACT project, we received a real boost and entered a new phase, together with partners at top European level.


  • 2022, August: We made it! Random Power is one of the Winners at the Falling Walls venture competition. We will be on stage in Berlin, On Nov.7-9th, during the 2022 Science Summit, matching the date of the Fall of the Wall, presenting whom we are and what we do to a great audience.
  • 2022, May: the ATTRACT Phase II project officially kicks off with a meeting of all the parties on the beautiful Lake Como
  • 2022, January: Random Power is one of the 18 selected projects for an ATTRACT Phase II grant, receiving a 2 million EUR fund for a 26 months long project. RaP! and University of Insubria, its mother institution, lead a pan-european consortium made of 6 leading companies and 3 research centers


  • 2021, October: Random Power (RaP!) is one of the 6 finalists at the Everis-award competition, selected out of 100 applicants
  • 2021, June: LifTT, one of the VC’s which awarded us a prize, following a due diligence analysis decides to invest a Proof-of-concept capital on the project and Random Power is established as a company. Well done & good luck!


  • 2020, December: we did again! Two special prizes at “Premio Nazionale dell’Innovazione (https://www.pnicube.it/ivincitori), awarded by two different Venture Capital Firms
  • 2020, November: Random Power ranks first in the “Start-cup Lombardia” competition, in the ICT sector. Congratulations!

September 29th, 2020 Update:

The hackathon was initially planned for mid-April 2020 @IdeaSquare, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. Unfortunately, because of the COVID-19 pandemics, it had to be postponed.

By now we are back with an on-line event, held remotely over three days (October 28th-30th, 2020), co-organised with gluoNNet and supported by a number of partners in the public and private sector and funded by the ATTRACT project. To learn more and join the event, click the link above.


      • 2019: While testing out performances of our TRNG with respect to different PRGN, RandomPower team found and helped to resolve, a bug for a GPU based PRNG in Java: https://www.npmjs.com/package/gpu.js/v/2.2.0. We want to thanks to gpu.js team for the acknowledgement!
      • 2019: here we go! Our proposal was selected by the ATTRACT Phase I evaluators as one of the 170 breakthrough projects out of 1211 submissions. We have a chance and we will do our best to exploit it. Congratulations to the Team!

      Stay with us.


      Prof. Massimo Caccia

      Ph.D, co-founder, C.E.O


      Lorenza Paolucci

      Co-founder, IP and exploitation manager


      Marcello Esposito

      M.Phil, co-founder, President of the Board


      Prof. Wojciech Kucewicz

      Ph.D., co-founder, Head of Hardware Development


      Mateusz Baszczyk

      Ph.D., co-founder, firmware developer


      Valerio Pagliarino

      System designer

      Piotr Dorosz

      Ph.D., co-founder, firmware developer


      Cesare Caratozzolo

      M.Sc., senior software developer

      Gianluca Rubino

      Junior software developer