Massimo Caccia
Ph.D, co-founder, C.E.O
Full professor at the Department of Science and Technology of Università
degli Studi dell’Insubria, Massimo is the main inventor of the Rap! technology. For the last twenty+ years his activity has been focused on solid state detectors of ionising particles and photons; he has been Coordinator of several EC funded R&D projects targeting technological developments, and scientist in charge of several R&D collaborative contracts with Small and
Medium Enterprises (SME), corporations and Public Entities, both Italians and foreigners.
In 2019 Massimo has led the project “Random Power”, funded by the
ATTRACT Initiative ( with the aim to provide a seed capital to plan products, services and companies based on new detection and imaging technologies, and he currently serves as the Coordinator of the follow-up project “In Silico Quantum Generation of Random Bit Streams”, supported again by the ATTRACT Consortium.